No Mexico Memories would be complete without Ron Jeremy Mustache Guy and Chicken Dance Man.
RJMG was as creepy as his name suggests. He was gross, but the only thing I really remember about his appearance was his gross AND creepy mustache. He decided he wanted to dance with PPP3. This was also the night we met some guys that were staying at the same hotel as us. We were all standing on one of the little balconies (sweltering again), and RJMG comes up to PPP3 and pretty much backed her into the corner of the balcony. Luckily, one of the guys from our hotel was standing there and intervened. He did not make a repeat appearance. PPP3 was a little grossed out.
Then CDM came along on the dance floor. He took a shine to one of our married PPP’s. (By the way, PPP stands for Princess Party Pantses in case you have forgotten. And, no, that is not a misspelling.) CDM was about 432 sheets-to-the-wind and most definitely had a severe case of Alcohol Amnesia. Every two minutes he would forget that he had been very clearly rejected and would come back. At least seven times. After the third time, PPP4 just started mocking him, doing the chicken dance around him. He thought he was awesome. We thought he was an idiot.
So, in 15 days, we make a trip to the Riviera Maya, where there is the original - and much larger - Senior Frogs about 10 miles away in Cancun. Some new PPP’s will be joining us this year, and it promises to be just as memorable as last year.
I bet you can’t wait for the stories!
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