Monday was a normal day.
Get up. Kids to school. Go to work.
At 2:30, my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number, but answered it anyway. It was MB's daycare teacher. She very seriously informed me that I needed to pick him up. I thought he was sick or other such things. But, no. I had to pick him up because....
....he had stuck a bead up his nose.
They said they tried to get it out, but couldn't. So I told my boss I had a bead emergency and left. Off to the doctor, where the bend was successfully extracted without to much trauma. Then he wanted to go back to school.
The night ended with him hitting his head at least twice, and crying he was bleeding (which he wasn't) after hitting his mouth. All of this AFTER he was in bed.
Ah, Monday's.
...he sounds a bit like a BROTHER I used to have!