Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Valuable Life Lesson #2

MB is gaining all sorts of wisdom this summer. Never squirt orange spray directly up your anus is an important one. So is not standing directly over the squirting water fountains when you are a boy.

As usual, crying and hysterics ensued this evening. And a rash-like spot was discovered on his boy bits. Bathtime and gentle anti-bacterial washing (just in case) brought more tears. We then talked about how, when playing in the fountains, we shouldn't let the water shoot directly into the delicate areas.

Stay tuned for more of life's most important lessons brought to you by a ever-wiser five-year-old.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure the Invisible Man made him stand over the fountains! That Man is sure mean - conning an innocent little boy into using orange spray and water fountains inappropriately....
