Sunday, September 13, 2009


MB got a Dum-Dum at church today. I promised he could eat it after dinner. He took a long nap today (has to be up late), and I woke him up and got him out of bed quite fast at the mention of said lollipop. He meandered downstairs in a somewhat drunkenly fashion (he was still half-asleep), and immediately got the lollipop.

"I just want to open it," says he.

"Fine, just don't even put it in your mouth until after you eat dinner," says I.

I make dinner, and as I put it down in front of him I look down to see a lollipop stick coming out of his mouth. It took me a moment to register, and then I did.

MB got smacked. Then the lollipop got ripped out of his mouth and taken away.

As I stood on the other side of the kitchen, I looked over and he had the most tragic/dumbfounded/in shock/sad face ever. And then I couldn't help it.

I laughed.

I know - awful. NEVER laugh when you've just gotten your child in trouble. It will either a) make it worse or, b) he will forget why he was in trouble. In this case, it was choice a.

He immediately disappeared under the table and cried. So then I felt bad, and had to go give him lots of kisses - all while still trying to stop laughing. And I had to say I was sorry for laughing, but still try to keep some semblance of discipline in it. He still didn't get the lollipop, so there's that.

Moral? Really try harder when you think you're going to laugh.


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