I know, I'm not supposed to quasi-say words like that. But I can't help it. Why?
FAMILIES are being attacked.
Right now, FOUR families/marriages of people I know - whether close friends or acquaintances - are being torn apart. How many others that I don't know about?
That's four couples who are now contemplating or going through with a divorce. Some of them have children, who are now faced with the prospect of mom and dad not being together any more.
So, yes, I think I'm right in saying WTF.
Having been through this, I know first hand the effects of a broken family. And now my heart breaks for these four families. My only response is to 1) let them know I care and am here if they need me and 2) CRY OUT to God.
There is a war going on, and it's time that we stepped up and fought it.
Preach it, sister! A temporary "waiver" may be in order for the WTF. At least it's better than what I'd like to say (and have to keep repenting for)!