MB is popular.
Monday, Week 1
He calls her Peanuts because she calls him peanuts.
Monday, Week 2
"She gave me a kiss today." This is after I asked if he had friends, and he promptly answered, "I do NOT have a girlfriend." And right after he said, "I said, "Get away!"
Sigh. I don't know if I want a popular, handsome, sweet and funny little boy. I might need the shotgun more for him!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
What We Did Today
Today actually had a schedule. Quite exciting! Would you like to see my day? It's fun. (PS - 'Stay-at-home' mom is such a ridiculous term.)
6:15 - Alarm rings. NOOOOOOOO. Snooze button...
6:25 - Alarm rings. Again. Still NOOOOO. But can't do the snooze button. Drag my (very sore) self out of bed. NOTE to self: Furniture moving is not good for the back.
6:32 - Sing the morning song to MG. Tickle her and generally annoy until she is fully awake. Get clothes out.
6:35 - Sing the morning song to MB. He was already awake, but I like to sing the morning song when I'm still half-asleep. Drag him out of bed, get clothes.
6:40 - MG finally out of bed. MB comes out. Remind 87.3 times to go to the bathroom and get dressed.
6:47 - Finally start MG's hair. Remind 48.6 times to hold still - she doesn't and the curling iron touches her head which causes more wiggling.
6:56 - MG and I downstairs. Remind MB once more to put socks on.
6:57 - No time for a real breakfast, so generic rice crispies and half an apple each.
7:09 - Start the 'go back upstairs' process.
7:13 - Finally back up the stairs. Remind 63.8 times to brush teeth.
7:17 - Run downstairs because, by now, we a a few minutes behind schedule. (Shouldn't have pushed snooze button. Sigh.) Remind 113.5 times to put shoes on. At least 76.1 to get backpacks.
7:22 - Out door JUST as bus pulls up. Whew!
7:25 - Start load of laundry.
7:30 - Back upstairs, sit on couch, stare at computer willing brain to kick in.
8:00 - Decide to eat a bowl of generic rice crispies. mmmm.
8:20 - Laundry in dryer
8:30 - Finally decide to get ready. Decide to not iron and pick new shirt. Out the door on time at
9:15 - Need new car.
9:30 - Meeting #1 with children's ministry. Exciting stuff!
12:20 - Wrap up meeting.
12:25 - Call mom and tell her to meet me for lunch. (She's on the way to the Wal-Mart.)
12:35 - Lunch w/ mom and Applebee's
1:30 - Meeting #2 at Starbuck's. Grande Passion Iced Tea, Sweetened, and a piece of coffee cake. MMMM.
2:10 - Second meeting done.
2:25 - Home. Fold laundry. Watch part of Top Chef Las Vegas.
3:10 - Think about snack time for the kids. Come up empty.
3:17 - Kids home. Loudness reigns.
3:20 - 4:15 - Kids eat random snacks until I make them stop. Remind 423.9 times to put shoes and backpacks away. Finally get them to do their ONE chore of dishwasher unloading.
4:45 - Start dinner then realize it's only 4:45. (Not used to all this evening time.)
5:30 - Start dinner again - for real this time.
6:15 - Sister - oh thank goodness for her - gives kids bath. My back hurts so very bad and I think I might cry. Chiropractor Appt tomorrow!!!!
6:58 - Remind MG again that she needs to dry her hair!
And that is where we are. They go to bed at 7:30 on school nights. Yes, early, but last night MG got 43 times and didn't go to sleep until almost 9:00. MB is now tattling on MG because she is still not getting out of her bad to dry her hair. Time to intervene! And, no, homework was not really accomplished, although I DID look to see how to do my next assignment.
6:15 - Alarm rings. NOOOOOOOO. Snooze button...
6:25 - Alarm rings. Again. Still NOOOOO. But can't do the snooze button. Drag my (very sore) self out of bed. NOTE to self: Furniture moving is not good for the back.
6:32 - Sing the morning song to MG. Tickle her and generally annoy until she is fully awake. Get clothes out.
6:35 - Sing the morning song to MB. He was already awake, but I like to sing the morning song when I'm still half-asleep. Drag him out of bed, get clothes.
6:40 - MG finally out of bed. MB comes out. Remind 87.3 times to go to the bathroom and get dressed.
6:47 - Finally start MG's hair. Remind 48.6 times to hold still - she doesn't and the curling iron touches her head which causes more wiggling.
6:56 - MG and I downstairs. Remind MB once more to put socks on.
6:57 - No time for a real breakfast, so generic rice crispies and half an apple each.
7:09 - Start the 'go back upstairs' process.
7:13 - Finally back up the stairs. Remind 63.8 times to brush teeth.
7:17 - Run downstairs because, by now, we a a few minutes behind schedule. (Shouldn't have pushed snooze button. Sigh.) Remind 113.5 times to put shoes on. At least 76.1 to get backpacks.
7:22 - Out door JUST as bus pulls up. Whew!
7:25 - Start load of laundry.
7:30 - Back upstairs, sit on couch, stare at computer willing brain to kick in.
8:00 - Decide to eat a bowl of generic rice crispies. mmmm.
8:20 - Laundry in dryer
8:30 - Finally decide to get ready. Decide to not iron and pick new shirt. Out the door on time at
9:15 - Need new car.
9:30 - Meeting #1 with children's ministry. Exciting stuff!
12:20 - Wrap up meeting.
12:25 - Call mom and tell her to meet me for lunch. (She's on the way to the Wal-Mart.)
12:35 - Lunch w/ mom and Applebee's
1:30 - Meeting #2 at Starbuck's. Grande Passion Iced Tea, Sweetened, and a piece of coffee cake. MMMM.
2:10 - Second meeting done.
2:25 - Home. Fold laundry. Watch part of Top Chef Las Vegas.
3:10 - Think about snack time for the kids. Come up empty.
3:17 - Kids home. Loudness reigns.
3:20 - 4:15 - Kids eat random snacks until I make them stop. Remind 423.9 times to put shoes and backpacks away. Finally get them to do their ONE chore of dishwasher unloading.
4:45 - Start dinner then realize it's only 4:45. (Not used to all this evening time.)
5:30 - Start dinner again - for real this time.
6:15 - Sister - oh thank goodness for her - gives kids bath. My back hurts so very bad and I think I might cry. Chiropractor Appt tomorrow!!!!
6:58 - Remind MG again that she needs to dry her hair!
And that is where we are. They go to bed at 7:30 on school nights. Yes, early, but last night MG got 43 times and didn't go to sleep until almost 9:00. MB is now tattling on MG because she is still not getting out of her bad to dry her hair. Time to intervene! And, no, homework was not really accomplished, although I DID look to see how to do my next assignment.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
School's Begun!
Look how cute they are on the first day of school!

MG is buying 'different' clothes. This is a cute shirt with leggings!! I'm quite proud of her!

Transformers is slowly replacing Cars in MB's world. His backpack and shoes are Transformers, and we bought a pair of Transformer sandal's for non-school. He is so big now!

Of course, we were worried about him actually getting on the bus when the time came. But, as you can see, I could barely snap a picture of him! He was practically on the bus before it stopped!

They both came home excited. MB loves it, and thinks it's awesome he gets to go every day! MG is excited, but a little worried about how she will do. I, of course, tell her how smart she is and that she will do awesome!!
And so another school year begins.
MG is buying 'different' clothes. This is a cute shirt with leggings!! I'm quite proud of her!
Transformers is slowly replacing Cars in MB's world. His backpack and shoes are Transformers, and we bought a pair of Transformer sandal's for non-school. He is so big now!
Of course, we were worried about him actually getting on the bus when the time came. But, as you can see, I could barely snap a picture of him! He was practically on the bus before it stopped!
They both came home excited. MB loves it, and thinks it's awesome he gets to go every day! MG is excited, but a little worried about how she will do. I, of course, tell her how smart she is and that she will do awesome!!
And so another school year begins.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
My Banana's Are Burnin'!
First, we made it through our haircut!! MB did quite well. We are now prepared for kindergarten (and fourth grade). It only took a big chunk of money. WHY does stuff have to be so expensive??
Second, I survived my first time leading worship for a bunch of kids. I say survived because I realized just how out of shape I was. I wish they sold energy in a bottle. (Real energy. Not caffeine induced energy.)
Ok, so here's the thing. I decided to make a slushy today. (It's healthier than ice cream, ok?) I make delicious slushies/smoothies, just in case you were wondering. I spent 5 minutes digging in the freezer to find the banana's that I knew my mom had frozen. Of course, they were whole and un-peeled, and therefore I had to microwave them in order to get the peel off. My sister informed me that you have to cut the little stem off because they catch fire. Well, that's what the mom said happened. So, I cut the top off and then looked at it. Then I looked at my sister.
Yes, I put the little stem in the microwave.
Yes, it caught fire!
It was pretty cool, actually. We were standing there, staring in the microwave, and heard a pop and a flame burst up! Good times!
Lesson of the Day - Banana stems DO catch fire in the microwave!
Second, I survived my first time leading worship for a bunch of kids. I say survived because I realized just how out of shape I was. I wish they sold energy in a bottle. (Real energy. Not caffeine induced energy.)
Ok, so here's the thing. I decided to make a slushy today. (It's healthier than ice cream, ok?) I make delicious slushies/smoothies, just in case you were wondering. I spent 5 minutes digging in the freezer to find the banana's that I knew my mom had frozen. Of course, they were whole and un-peeled, and therefore I had to microwave them in order to get the peel off. My sister informed me that you have to cut the little stem off because they catch fire. Well, that's what the mom said happened. So, I cut the top off and then looked at it. Then I looked at my sister.
Yes, I put the little stem in the microwave.
Yes, it caught fire!
It was pretty cool, actually. We were standing there, staring in the microwave, and heard a pop and a flame burst up! Good times!
Lesson of the Day - Banana stems DO catch fire in the microwave!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Not Again!
Today is haircut day. We are going to a 'special' place. (If you don't understand the dread, read this.) I have promised lunch - he's chosen Wendy's - and a treat - a frosty, of course. I've gone on and on about what a big boy he is, and about kindergarten and he's five and so on. Of course, he would be extra whiny and cranky today. Pray for my sanity!
On another note, my nine-year-old finally got over whatever fear she had of blowing her nose. No joke. I don't think she's been able to breathe properly in years. Whatever Geemaw did this morning is a miracle! I asked if she could breath, and she could! Then she stated that one side felt kind of funny. I told her it was because she was feeling what a clear nose should feel like. Yes, I'm excited about it!
Off to add to the hair saga!
On another note, my nine-year-old finally got over whatever fear she had of blowing her nose. No joke. I don't think she's been able to breathe properly in years. Whatever Geemaw did this morning is a miracle! I asked if she could breath, and she could! Then she stated that one side felt kind of funny. I told her it was because she was feeling what a clear nose should feel like. Yes, I'm excited about it!
Off to add to the hair saga!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Summer Monday Crazy's
Only one more week until school begins. I can't wait! The children are driving me absolutely crazy!
MB is still really tired from the camping trip and has been extra whiny and quite cranky today. Which means that MG has annoyed him extra today. Which causes more whining and fighting and occasional pain inflicted on one of them.
A few moments ago MB got hurt somehow and blamed it on MG, and then they were fighting and both got smacked on the backside. Of course, MB acted like he had been beaten half to death. I think it hurt my hand more than him!
So, this is the last of the Summer Monday Crazy's. Next week starts the School Monday Crazy's!
MB is still really tired from the camping trip and has been extra whiny and quite cranky today. Which means that MG has annoyed him extra today. Which causes more whining and fighting and occasional pain inflicted on one of them.
A few moments ago MB got hurt somehow and blamed it on MG, and then they were fighting and both got smacked on the backside. Of course, MB acted like he had been beaten half to death. I think it hurt my hand more than him!
So, this is the last of the Summer Monday Crazy's. Next week starts the School Monday Crazy's!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
One Week Ends
I LOVE singing. Have I mentioned that yet? We had a fantabulous time of worship at all services this weekend. AND, if you want to watch the fabulousness, we live stream it now! Check out valleycreek.org on Saturdays at 5:30 or Sundays at 9:30 or 11:00. (Dallas time!)
I'll also get a chance to sing even more because I finally broke down and volunteered to lead worship in the Children's Ministry. They were in dire need. I am slowly getting back on track to take over the church again. Student Ministry is getting me as well. Mwa-ha-ha. (Read that in an evil tone.)
MB got back from his mandatory pre-Kindergarten camping trip. Bapa said he had a felony amount of fun. He's ready for 'big boy' school now!
Sorry, but no funny or really interesting stories today. I did warn you. (Mwa-ha-ha!)
I'll also get a chance to sing even more because I finally broke down and volunteered to lead worship in the Children's Ministry. They were in dire need. I am slowly getting back on track to take over the church again. Student Ministry is getting me as well. Mwa-ha-ha. (Read that in an evil tone.)
MB got back from his mandatory pre-Kindergarten camping trip. Bapa said he had a felony amount of fun. He's ready for 'big boy' school now!
Sorry, but no funny or really interesting stories today. I did warn you. (Mwa-ha-ha!)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Yay for Saturday's!
We had a pretty good day today. I 'finished' my essay. (And I use that term loosely since I wasn't really sure what to do with it.) Only a million more to finish before I finish.
MG got to watch Princess Diaries 2. Oh, she was just in girly-heaven this weekend!
MB is still camping and having so much fun. He caught a fish today, went on a canoe ride on the river, saw/rode (not sure which) on an old train. Bapa decided they would stay the second night because MB asked! I can't wait to hear all about it.
Church was fantastic! It was SO good to be back and singing. (Have I mentioned I love singing?) A slightly low set, but still fun!
I have decided to let some things go, too, today. I figure that God will take care of it. It's hard, but there it is.
Now, nachos and Hostess Cupcakes await!
MG got to watch Princess Diaries 2. Oh, she was just in girly-heaven this weekend!
MB is still camping and having so much fun. He caught a fish today, went on a canoe ride on the river, saw/rode (not sure which) on an old train. Bapa decided they would stay the second night because MB asked! I can't wait to hear all about it.
Church was fantastic! It was SO good to be back and singing. (Have I mentioned I love singing?) A slightly low set, but still fun!
I have decided to let some things go, too, today. I figure that God will take care of it. It's hard, but there it is.
Now, nachos and Hostess Cupcakes await!
Friday, August 14, 2009
AND it's Friday
1) Quick trip to that horrid of horrid places - Wal-Mart. Needed pants for MB because...
2) Pre-Kindergarten camping trip with Bapa! He also got some brand new 'water' boots (aka - waterproof) and a new Wall-E flashlight! Look how cute he is:

3) Homework. Gag. So making this assignment up!
4) Star Trek for One Dollar! What could be better? Um, nothing. BB and I had a great "date." LOL! Then cheesy biscuits. MMM.
5) THEN, a trip to the Urgent Care for my mother. We won't go into details, but she's find now that she has drugs. I told her, thought, to NEVER again start a conversation with, "I need you to take me to the emergency room..." Not cool.
6) MG had a wonderful evening, and had eaten an entire pint of ice cream while watching The Princess Diaries for the first time. She was in heaven!
I kind of like this list thing.
2) Pre-Kindergarten camping trip with Bapa! He also got some brand new 'water' boots (aka - waterproof) and a new Wall-E flashlight! Look how cute he is:

3) Homework. Gag. So making this assignment up!
4) Star Trek for One Dollar! What could be better? Um, nothing. BB and I had a great "date." LOL! Then cheesy biscuits. MMM.
5) THEN, a trip to the Urgent Care for my mother. We won't go into details, but she's find now that she has drugs. I told her, thought, to NEVER again start a conversation with, "I need you to take me to the emergency room..." Not cool.
6) MG had a wonderful evening, and had eaten an entire pint of ice cream while watching The Princess Diaries for the first time. She was in heaven!
I kind of like this list thing.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thursday Is After Wednesday
Last night I went to worship practice for the first time in what feels like forever! We'll be doing a new song. I just hope my voice doesn't fail me - it's been so long since I've sang like that!
Then, on the way home, actual crying came from the back seat after MB smacked MG, and then MG felt it appropriate to punch MB in the eye. A very lovely end to the evening.
Today consisted of swimming with my baby elfin cousin (SO CUTE), and pizza for dinner (again).
THEN, MB had to get what I shall call a 'butt-brushing.' Let's just say that he learned the hard way that our toothbrush is for our mouth only. Lots of crying ensued.
No, it's not very exciting, but I warned you!
Then, on the way home, actual crying came from the back seat after MB smacked MG, and then MG felt it appropriate to punch MB in the eye. A very lovely end to the evening.
Today consisted of swimming with my baby elfin cousin (SO CUTE), and pizza for dinner (again).
THEN, MB had to get what I shall call a 'butt-brushing.' Let's just say that he learned the hard way that our toothbrush is for our mouth only. Lots of crying ensued.
No, it's not very exciting, but I warned you!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The oven exploded today.
Not into a fiery ball, thank goodness. More like a gaseous 'poof'. We think there is something wrong with the broiler. You see, I thought I was going to broil the mini-bagel-pizza's, then decided to just bake them. I turned off the broiler and remembered that my mom had told me they had a near-explosion when switching quickly from one to the other, so I waited. Obviously didn't work, because I hear a loud "whoosh' and turned to see the oven door slam shut. Needless to say, we are calling a repair man AND ceasing use of the broiler until further notice.
All is well, and I am enjoying my mini-bagel-pizza's while my children 'clean' their rooms so they can eat.
Not into a fiery ball, thank goodness. More like a gaseous 'poof'. We think there is something wrong with the broiler. You see, I thought I was going to broil the mini-bagel-pizza's, then decided to just bake them. I turned off the broiler and remembered that my mom had told me they had a near-explosion when switching quickly from one to the other, so I waited. Obviously didn't work, because I hear a loud "whoosh' and turned to see the oven door slam shut. Needless to say, we are calling a repair man AND ceasing use of the broiler until further notice.
All is well, and I am enjoying my mini-bagel-pizza's while my children 'clean' their rooms so they can eat.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I know...
I am TERRIBLE at updating this blog. I promise I will try to do better. I suppose my life is SO boring that there really isn't anything exciting to write. So, here is a quick rundown of the few things that have happened:
1) I lost my job at the beginning of June.
2) I was upset about my job loss, but then I snapped out of it and realized God MUST have something wonderous planned for me. So,
3) I decided to go to school. At the ripe old age of 31 I am a college student! Online, of course. Much less expensive and easier to deal with when you have children. How am I paying for it. Yay for VA benefits!!! And grants. So, I'm actually making money to go to school. Nice.
4) In honor of my job-less status, I took a month long 'vacation' of sorts. The kids went to their father's, so I went to the bustling metropolis of Charlottesville, VA. I had a lovely time, during which I
5) spent my birthday weekend in Washington, DC! SO cool! And WAY too much to see! I think my brain exploded slightly from grandeur overload, but still very awesome!
6) Now I am doing school work and hoping to get a part-time job, plus raising my little humans (BOTH of which will go to school this fall!) and attempting to write my first book. Plus the usual church stuff and so on.
That's what's up in a nutshell. I'll try to write something every day (for those of you who are complaining to me, and you know who you are), but I can't promise that I will or that it will be very interesting.
AND... end.
1) I lost my job at the beginning of June.
2) I was upset about my job loss, but then I snapped out of it and realized God MUST have something wonderous planned for me. So,
3) I decided to go to school. At the ripe old age of 31 I am a college student! Online, of course. Much less expensive and easier to deal with when you have children. How am I paying for it. Yay for VA benefits!!! And grants. So, I'm actually making money to go to school. Nice.
4) In honor of my job-less status, I took a month long 'vacation' of sorts. The kids went to their father's, so I went to the bustling metropolis of Charlottesville, VA. I had a lovely time, during which I
5) spent my birthday weekend in Washington, DC! SO cool! And WAY too much to see! I think my brain exploded slightly from grandeur overload, but still very awesome!
6) Now I am doing school work and hoping to get a part-time job, plus raising my little humans (BOTH of which will go to school this fall!) and attempting to write my first book. Plus the usual church stuff and so on.
That's what's up in a nutshell. I'll try to write something every day (for those of you who are complaining to me, and you know who you are), but I can't promise that I will or that it will be very interesting.
AND... end.
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