Today is haircut day. We are going to a 'special' place. (If you don't understand the dread, read this.) I have promised lunch - he's chosen Wendy's - and a treat - a frosty, of course. I've gone on and on about what a big boy he is, and about kindergarten and he's five and so on. Of course, he would be extra whiny and cranky today. Pray for my sanity!
On another note, my nine-year-old finally got over whatever fear she had of blowing her nose. No joke. I don't think she's been able to breathe properly in years. Whatever Geemaw did this morning is a miracle! I asked if she could breath, and she could! Then she stated that one side felt kind of funny. I told her it was because she was feeling what a clear nose should feel like. Yes, I'm excited about it!
Off to add to the hair saga!
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