Thursday, August 27, 2009

What We Did Today

Today actually had a schedule. Quite exciting! Would you like to see my day? It's fun. (PS - 'Stay-at-home' mom is such a ridiculous term.)

6:15 - Alarm rings. NOOOOOOOO. Snooze button...
6:25 - Alarm rings. Again. Still NOOOOO. But can't do the snooze button. Drag my (very sore) self out of bed. NOTE to self: Furniture moving is not good for the back.
6:32 - Sing the morning song to MG. Tickle her and generally annoy until she is fully awake. Get clothes out.
6:35 - Sing the morning song to MB. He was already awake, but I like to sing the morning song when I'm still half-asleep. Drag him out of bed, get clothes.
6:40 - MG finally out of bed. MB comes out. Remind 87.3 times to go to the bathroom and get dressed.
6:47 - Finally start MG's hair. Remind 48.6 times to hold still - she doesn't and the curling iron touches her head which causes more wiggling.
6:56 - MG and I downstairs. Remind MB once more to put socks on.
6:57 - No time for a real breakfast, so generic rice crispies and half an apple each.
7:09 - Start the 'go back upstairs' process.
7:13 - Finally back up the stairs. Remind 63.8 times to brush teeth.
7:17 - Run downstairs because, by now, we a a few minutes behind schedule. (Shouldn't have pushed snooze button. Sigh.) Remind 113.5 times to put shoes on. At least 76.1 to get backpacks.
7:22 - Out door JUST as bus pulls up. Whew!

7:25 - Start load of laundry.
7:30 - Back upstairs, sit on couch, stare at computer willing brain to kick in.
8:00 - Decide to eat a bowl of generic rice crispies. mmmm.
8:20 - Laundry in dryer
8:30 - Finally decide to get ready. Decide to not iron and pick new shirt. Out the door on time at
9:15 - Need new car.
9:30 - Meeting #1 with children's ministry. Exciting stuff!
12:20 - Wrap up meeting.
12:25 - Call mom and tell her to meet me for lunch. (She's on the way to the Wal-Mart.)
12:35 - Lunch w/ mom and Applebee's
1:30 - Meeting #2 at Starbuck's. Grande Passion Iced Tea, Sweetened, and a piece of coffee cake. MMMM.
2:10 - Second meeting done.
2:25 - Home. Fold laundry. Watch part of Top Chef Las Vegas.
3:10 - Think about snack time for the kids. Come up empty.

3:17 - Kids home. Loudness reigns.
3:20 - 4:15 - Kids eat random snacks until I make them stop. Remind 423.9 times to put shoes and backpacks away. Finally get them to do their ONE chore of dishwasher unloading.
4:45 - Start dinner then realize it's only 4:45. (Not used to all this evening time.)
5:30 - Start dinner again - for real this time.
6:15 - Sister - oh thank goodness for her - gives kids bath. My back hurts so very bad and I think I might cry. Chiropractor Appt tomorrow!!!!
6:58 - Remind MG again that she needs to dry her hair!

And that is where we are. They go to bed at 7:30 on school nights. Yes, early, but last night MG got 43 times and didn't go to sleep until almost 9:00. MB is now tattling on MG because she is still not getting out of her bad to dry her hair. Time to intervene! And, no, homework was not really accomplished, although I DID look to see how to do my next assignment.

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