Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Over or Under?

I am trying to be good and blog every day.

AND today is Random Wednesday.

AND, since I can't think of anything else, I will discuss the most random of topics: Toilet Paper.

1) I prefer over. I hate going into bathrooms and rolling the paper around for a bit too long trying to find the end only to realize it's an under roll. Messes up the flow.

2) I HATE Charmin. That stuff is like wiping with extra fluffy dust. It poofs everywhere. How is that pleasant?

3) I also HATE Scott Tissue. One-ply? Really? Who the heck knowingly purchases one-ply? Yes, the rolls are mega-quadruple size, but you use about 3 times as much per tear to equal the much better two-ply. And it's like Charmin took all the fluffy from Scott and left the unpleasant sandpaper behind.

4) My children use way too much toilet paper. No joke - we go through at least 6-8 rolls A WEEK. It's insane. If you do not have children, and plan on it, remember to budget 14 times as much in your Walmart run each week for toilet paper.

And, those are my random thoughts for today. Thank you for listening, and have a great night.

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