(Random Wednesdays have begun. I will give my thoughts on the most random topics I or a friend can think of. Suggestions welcome!)
It's Christmas-time. I love this time of year. People act nicer and there is pie. And other stuff. But there's one thing I can't seem to wrap my head around at the holidays.
The Christmas Sweater.
Really. Have you ever actually seen an attractive Christmas Sweater? If there really is intelligent life out there that wanted to take us down like War of the Worlds (not the Tom Cruise version) or Independence Day (before Will Smith whoops them), between Christmas Sweaters and the Antiques Roadshow camera lurkers, do you really think they would see us as a formidable opponent?
They are bulky and always some crazy red color, and they look like a first grader tried to knit it in the back of the Batman ride at Sea World. Hot glue some flannel graph-esque reindeer and Christmas trees on awkward places, and you've got fashion at it's finest!
I have been lucky enough to have avoided the Christmas Sweater Hall of Shame (or I've completely blocked it out of my memory). Have you?
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