Sunday, September 19, 2010

All-American Sport Day

I live in Texas. And, as such, I suppose I should be completely obsessed with football. (Technically, American Football. And, on another note, why football? There isn't a whole lot of foot-on-ball action. But I digress.) As I was saying, I should be obsessed with football. (And, if the fervor of the church crowd is any indication, I should be obsessed specifically with the Cowboys.)

Now, I'm not against football. I like a game now and then. And I watch the Super Bowl every year. (Used to be just for the commercials, but they have been failing me lately. When Budweiser got rid of the frogs, it sort of went down hill from there.) But, I just really don't understand this crazed obsession that they seem to hold here in the Big T. Granted, I grew up in Las Vegas. We didn't have professional sports. We had dirt. And some rocks. And mostly dirt. So, I was never really exposed.

Why are people so obsessed with it? I guess what disturbs me the most is the parents who are like crazed jackals, pushing their kids into sports (mostly football) and losing their mind at every event. I mean, have you read the stories on the assaults and murders all over some sport?

I like sports. And if my kids want to play, I will totally support them in a very non-crazed jackal way.

Now, I should go check on my mother, who is glued to the current Cowboys game - just to make sure she is still coherent.

1 comment:

  1. Never fear - I survived yet another game. Although watching by myself isn't nearly so fun (insert sad face here).
