Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Sad Goodbye

I said goodbye to someone yesterday.

Someone I shouldn't have had to say goodbye to.

Oh, I've said goodbye to this person before. I mean, everybody says goodbye to everyone they know all the time. After church goodbye, after dinner goodbye, after vacation goodbye. Quite common.

No, this goodbye was different.

It was one of those goodbye's that is said with a sense of deep sadness and a heavy heart. A goodbye that people tried to stop, but couldn't. A goodbye that was prayed to please not have happen, but did. A goodbye that was wrong and horrid and awkward and sad and crazy.

There was not one shred of anything remotely un-sad in this goodbye. The worst goodbye you could imagine aside from the goodbye that comes with a death.

Although, in a sense, this goodbye did come with a death.

A sad goodbye.


  1. If only we could go back in time and fix the cause of this goodbye.
    It's a crappy situation all the way around, from how people were treated the last 30+ years to how people are currently treating others...
    God will work SOMETHING good out of this. We can't let satan steal our joy.

  2. I hate to be the cause of sadness, but life happens and I still love you all, and I hope you love me. We will all get through this.
