Saturday, January 15, 2011

Are We Dogs?

That is the question I posed to my 10 year old daughter today.

This followed:

Her brother crying, followed by running and a slamming door. The door slammed as I heard her say, "No, don't say anything." Followed by me sighing and going to open the slammed door to hear, "Don't tell mommy. I said I was sorry."

Of course we all know that "Don't tell mommy" means that someone did something they knew would get them in trouble. MB managed to tell me, in between sobs (and not at all over-dramaticism) that, "[MG] bit me."


I actually said that. This was one of those moments.

As I put her to bed, immediately, I asked if we bite people. "Are we dogs? Do we go around biting people like hungry little vampires?" She giggled, of course because her mom is incredibly funny even when disciplining sometimes, but stopped when she saw that mommy was not laughing.

MB finally got over it. A little mark, but nothing terrible. Luckily he was wearing a thick sweatshirt.

So, no, we are not dogs. Just in case you were wondering.

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