Monday, January 17, 2011

Sickness, Healing, Prayer - and All That Stuff

My mom is sick.

We (and by we, I mean several doctors so far) can't figure out what's wrong with her.

It started in early December. Dizzy, weak, faint-ish.

Over a month later, still the same.

She's been to three or four doctors, who've all taken blood and done heart tests and all sorts of stuff. She's tried a few medicines (she's uber-sensitive), eats more and better (not that we eat bad to begin with). It's so frustrating because she's had to basically quit life. She can't drive, and it uses so much energy to get ready to leave the house that she can barely make it through whatever she went out to do.

I HATE my mom being like this.

[Sidebar - a wonderful doctor friend of ours is determined to figure out what's going on and get her well. Unlike the other doctors that have done standard tests, taken some money, then say, "Oh, well, I can't help you. Next."]

Which brings me to the healing part. I wonder sometimes if God still heals people.

Yes, I've heard - just recently in fact - from friends who have experienced or first-hand witnessed it. I think that's awesome. But, I guess I wonder if it's ever going to be something I see.

The Bible says all sorts of things about prayer and healing and so on. "Where two or more are gathered..." "Whatever you ask for in my name..." Those are a couple of the biggies.

So many people have been praying for my mom, in His name. She's not better. Then you start to wonder if you're praying right, or hard enough, or if you did something that you haven't confessed or whatever. And you start to doubt that God will heal. Or answer your prayers in general.

I believe God CAN heal. I know that He answers prayers for financial, job, marriage, blah blah. I just wonder if He will ever answer me.

1 comment:

  1. :(
    I wonder the same thing sometimes...but He WILL. I had Epstein-Barr Virus for over FOUR YEARS (4 years of complete and utter physical and mental exhaustion) and then God healed me over the phone. He then brought my mom's chiropractor friend to me and she gave me some mineral stuff that got the last traces of it out of my system. I am healed.
    So, sometimes it takes a long time, but He always hears us and answers.
