Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Exploding Mothers

I love my mom. She is a pretty awesome woman. Very sweet and, for the most part, calm in the storm. My nickname for her used to be “Mary Poppins.” When I was little, it was because I thought my mom was perfect. When I was a teenager it was because she was super anal about everything being clean. (By the time my sister came along, I think she realized the hopelessness of a clean teenagers room.) Now it’s because she’s pretty. :)
My mom gets frustrated, but not often, and she usually hides it until she is alone. (Which came in handy when she worked at our church (love you guys!), but that is about 28 stories for another day.) So, when she does get frustrated and shows it, it can have a comical effect.
We Skype. I like Skype – pretty handy little tool. Some of the time is just random conversation, but at least 87% of the time it is because she is having some sort of computer issue. My mom isn’t the most technologically savvy person, so I was really quite proud of her when she (let me) set up a Facebook account. She has enjoyed catching up with old friends and, MOST importantly, posting millions of pictures of her FABULOUS grandkids.
Yesterday, my Skype pops up and she is having issues with the posting process. She informs me that she is almost ready to cuss. To which I responded cussing is bad, and to use ‘by-words’ instead. Ha. Pretty soon, my Skype is popping up with ‘crapola’, ‘piece of poop’, ‘garbage’ and ‘evil’. I assure her – several times since she is to busy not cussing to pay attention – that I will look at it when I’m home. Then, a new phrase which I will keep and use on random occasions - ‘Piece of putrefied maggots’. The point of this story? To give you a new phrase to use when you are frustrated at your computer. You’re welcome!

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